An Irish Gaelic word meaning warrior.

"Ireland’s only powerlifter with dwarfism shows that strength comes in many forms in this moving documentary." (Irish Examiner, 9 July '24)
A story of strength beyond size.
Hailing from Drogheda, Ireland’s only powerlifter with dwarfism proves that strength comes in many forms. Laoch: Defy the Odds delves into the extraordinary life of Thomas “Tommy” McCague. Dwarfism is a rare condition and Laoch offers a look into the daily life of a little person (LP). Tommy's journey began as a quest for transformation as he battled depression and obesity. Powerlifting saved his life. The film follows Tommy to Limerick and Manchester, where he competes in the bench press event against average statured lifters. In Germany, he competes in the 2023 World Dwarf Games with other LP athletes. Tommy battles health challenges, shatters societal expectations, and breaks world records. This is a film about courage, perseverance,
and living your best life.