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10/1/24 Thank you Irish Independent!
Always lovely to be mentioned– thank you John Manning & the Irish Independent!

9/29/24 We're award winners!
Best in Louth + Audience Choice Award! We are honored. A huge thank you to the incredible team at Louth International Film Festival, and the amazing audience that came out to support Laoch: Defy the Odds. THANK YOU!!!! Go raibh maith agat.

9/11/24 We're going to Dundalk!
Thank you Louth International Film Festival!

7/15/24 We're in The Irish Times!
Thankful for the mention!

7/14/24 We're in the Sunday World Newspaper!
Beautiful coverage. by Esther McCarthy.

7/10/24 That's a wrap in Galway!
The World Premiere was sensational! Check out more photos from the festival and our world premiere party.

7/9/24 Irish Examiner "7 to see at the Galway Film Fleadh"

7/4/24 Tommy's interview on RTE Radio 1!
"The only dwarf powerlifter in Ireland" on Liveline.

6/28/24: We're in Drogheda Life!
Read more about Thomas from his hometown paper.

6/26/24: We're in the Irish Times!
Thankful for the mention in the Irish Times article about this year's Galway Film Fleadh!

6/25/24: We're going to Galway!
Laoch: Defy the Odds is an official selection at the 36th Galway Film Fleadh. Our World Premiere is set for July 10, 3 pm in Screen 1 at the Pálás Cinema Theater.
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